Salmon Creek Journal

There are presently no open calls for submissions.

Salmon Creek Journal: Growing Pains Submission Guidelines

We are now accepting submissions for our 2024 Salmon Creek Journal, Growing Pains issue.

Building off our 2023 theme, Rebirth and Reemergence, the Salmon Creek Journal is now finding its legs and beginning to walk. In a sense, our publication is still a toddler.

Because we’re run by university students, we all found that as we explored a theme that defined our purpose for this year, we resonated deeply with the fact that growing up is a beautifully horrifying yet universally shared experience. As we watch in an anticipatory state, guiding our journal while it walks on weak legs, we reflect on the uncertainties that accommodate growing up.

We encourage submitters to incorporate motifs such as nostalgia, saying goodbye to things that don’t serve them anymore, relinquishing preconceived notions of self, exploring their inner child, self-discovery and reflections of their past selves into their work.

Please note the following guidelines for submission:

  • Public submissions are no longer open.
  • Washington State University students, alumni, staff and the public can submit until February 16th, 2024. Public and non-WSU students can no longer submit.
  • For Visual Arts, please upload a representation or photograph of your art. If accepted, we may ask for specific guidelines to enhance the presentation of your art.
  • For performance, audio, or online work, please submit a link (YouTube, Soundcloud, etc.) in your submission's body.

We look forward to reading your work!

Best regards,
The Salmon Creek Journal team

Salmon Creek Journal